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Location: Victoria, B.C.
Project Type: Maintenance Upgrade
Industry: Electrical Contracting, Infrastructure

Trinity’s Quick Solution Gives Hospital Peace of Mind

Critical environments require extra attention to ensure electricity keeps flowing to vital equipment. In a health care institution, for example, an electrical failure could become a literal life-or-death situation. That’s why hospitals require redundant equipment to pick up electrical loads instantly, should primary power systems fail. And those backup supplies are given attention equal to that of the primary connections, because hospital managers never know when backup might be needed, as a recent Trinity Power assignment for a hospital in Vancouver island shows.

The busy health care facility faced an issue with a 4MVA transformer in its backup supply system – the equipment had tested badly and no one felt comfortable re-energizing the device. However, with the transformer down, so was the hospital’s only backup, so a temporary unit would be needed – and stat – until a permanent replacement could be ordered and put into service.

Hospital managers already had a great support in place with their electrical contractor, a full-service firm with a client list that includes the Department of National Defense. Recognizing the project’s urgency, the firm immediately turned to Trinity – having worked with us before, they knew we would have an answer.

Our solution was to provide a unit substation for the temporary installation. This package mobile unit was on the road within a day and installed in less than a week, restoring needed redundancy and easing fears that no backup could have disastrous results. New equipment now is being manufactured, and Trinity Power’s substation remains on site to keep the hospital’s life-saving systems up and running at a moment’s notice.

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Partnering for Success

A telecommunications company required two new 800A breaker replacements. Trinity Power was there to provide temporary power while upgrade work proceeded.

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Fast Action Saves a Supermarket's Stock

A large supermarket loses power. Requires emergency power generation response before perishables begin to thaw.